[1. GO DEEP]
We immerse
ourselves in your world.
Finding the solution to the challenges your business faces requires that we understand your business—not only the big picture but also the details. We do all we can to make ourselves experts in your domain, including working alongside your employees in the field, interviewing your customers and studying every bit of information we can get our hands on. Our outsiders’ perspective allows us to offer insight that can be hard to find within the organization.
[2. FOCUS]
We simplify, distill, hone, sharpen, and simplify some more.
This is where the meat of the work gets done. Our process takes as input a massive volume of widely disparate information. We boil everything down to a laser-focused two-page creative brief that captures what’s important and omits what isn’t. We take great pride in our ability to formulate an effective brief, especially when the subject matter is complex.
We create solutions.
When the end product / deliverables are clearly defined from the beginning, our mission is to create what is needed as effectively and efficiently as possible; we optimize the outcome (e.g., maximizing a performance metric such as sales of a new product) while minimizing the cost. In other cases, we propose a route to the goal which may involve a medium or strategy not previously considered by the client. Often, this includes an alternative to conventional advertising that will achieve greater impact at lower cost.
X-UP is a creative agency and production company. We apply creativity to challenges your business faces.
We welcome performance metrics—so much that we sometimes agree to base our fees on a metric such as product sales or change in public opinion.
Michael Franzini has spent decades refining his ability to discover and foster the greatest creative talents in all areas of advertising, design and entertainment.
Also an Emmy-Award-winning director, Franzini’s TV spots have twice been highlighted by The New York Times as being among the best advertising on television.
As a photographer and writer, Franzini has published several books, including One Hundred Young Americans, the definitive survey of 21st century American youth culture, released by HarperCollins.
Nicholas Carter is an accomplished television and print producer with a proven ability to maximize the impact of limited budgets, especially on geographically large-scale projects that span the country—or the globe.
Carter brings his peaceful and fun demeanor to every project, no matter how great the challenge. His goal is always to exceed expectations while staying on-time and on-budget, and he has a perfect record of achieving this goal on every project.
This is our work.
Let's talk.
X-UP, Inc.
3435 Ocean Park Blvd, Suite 107
Santa Monica, CA 90405
[email protected]